
The Siloam Springs Writers Guild began meeting in September of 1973 with seven charter members, known as the Siloam Springs Writers Group, a branch of the Poets Roundtable of Arkansas (PRA). The guild is a voluntary nonprofit organization open to all persons who have an interest in writing prose and/or poetry.

The purposes of this organization are to promote an appreciation of literary works and to encourage individuals in the development of their writing skills; to encourage writing that, though not necessarily overtly honoring God, would be pleasing in His sight; and to secure a fuller recognition of the works of like-minded contemporary regional writers.

Early writers established the motto of the Siloam Springs Writers Guild:
Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just,
Whatsoever things are pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely,
Whatsoever things are of good report,
If there be any virtue,
If there be any praise,
We will write about these things.

Besides monthly meetings with speakers or member readings, the guild calendar includes a summer writers conference; an annual poetry contest with prizes funded by the Roy Chesney Foundation of Siloam Springs; and summer writing contests for youth ages 6 to 17. Monthly prose and poetry contests for members provide small monetary prizes. 

Officers for 2024 are:

President: Daniel Mason
Secretary: Elijah Mason
Treasurer: Gail Davis
Hostess: Cherith Mason
Contest Chairman: Rulon Foster

Siloam Springs Writers Guild members with published works:
Sylvia Alderton, Caroline Geer, Patricia Hatch, Linda Johnstone, Rachel Kulp, Gene Linzey, Rosemary Matthews, Marvin Matthews, Billie Thompson, Jane Weathers, Kent Wyatt, Rebekah Wyatt

Additional guild members or friends published in the 2022 Anthology:
Elizabeth Batchelor, Kendra Cooke, Lola Dobson, Cheryl Ellicott, Mike Ellicott, Eithen Ellicott, Sharlett Ellicott, Rulon Foster, Jr., Carol Linzey, Daniel Mason, Cherith Mason, Elijah Mason, Hali Mason, Rebekah Mason, Judith Muselman, Victoria Pool, Tim Vasilko, Paxton Weathers, Ted Weathers

History of the Siloam Springs Writers Guild:       
Charter members of the Siloam Springs Writers Group met on September 6, 1973 in the home of the first president, Clara Lou Willis, along with Wanda Eck, Maggie Smith, Mary Naylor, Jouree Williams, Rosemary Reagan, and Ruth Wills. The group became officially organized with PRA in 1979.

Past Presidents:
1st President     Clara Willis 1973-1979
2nd President   Maggie A. Smith 1980-1986
3rd President    Virginia Cox 1987-1990
4th President     Louis Houston 1991-1992
5th President    Maggie A. Smith 1993-1994
6th President    Mildred Eslick Garner 1995
7th President    Nancy Taylor Buckley 1996
8th President    Karen Brock 1996-1997
9th President    Margaret Seimens Weathers 1997-2000
10th President   Willa Dean Ames 2001
11th President   Margaret Seimens Weathers 2002
12th President   Eve Stone 2003
13th President   Pat Young 2004
14th President   Billie Hammers 2005-2006
15th President   Rosemary Matthews 2007
16th President   Margaret Weathers 2008-2015
17th President   Gene Linzey 2016-July 2018
18th President   Ted Weathers August 2018-2019
19th President    Mike Ellicott 2020-2022
20th President.   Gene Linzey 2023
21st President.    Daniel Mason 2024-2025